It's Election Day!
This has been the most technology-driven presidential campaign in history. Both candidates have extremely sophisticated campaign web sites with significant e-commerce and social networking components. The campaigns have used text messages for important announcements and taken advantage of YouTube and online media to distribute political ads. They're also using advanced data-mining to target specific demographics for messaging and get-out-the-vote efforts.
Politicians, in other words, have borrowed more than a few technology tricks out of the modern marketer's playbook. Web and mobile technologies have become vital means of promotion, communications, and networking.
You can use these same techniques to help your business. For example:
1. Make sure your Web page is readable on a cellphone-based Web browser.
2. Establish a Facebook page for your business and update it periodically with events and announcements.
3. Create instructional videos to demonstrate expertise in your field and post them on YouTube. If your video is particularly interesting, entertaining, or helps people solve an important problem, your video could go viral!
4. Hold online seminars to educate existing and potential customers.
5. Take a look at your marketing list and segment it by area, industry, and size. Look for patterns and adjust your list accordingly.
Technology can be one of your best tools when it comes to persuasion. Don't just take it from us -- take it from Barack Obama and John McCain!
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