Friday, November 21, 2008

Keyboard Shortcuts

Your Keyboard Can Do More Than You Think It Can

Every now and again we like to revisit the perennial topic of keyboard shortcuts, because even expert users can benefit from a refresher every now and again. If you’ve ever seen your office computer guru switching between windows and performing complex editing tasks using just the keyboard, you know how useful just a few of these tricks can be. We’ve put in our favorite shortcuts below – but go to Microsoft Support for the full list. You’ll be amazed at how much you can do without ever touching your mouse. (And if you ever have a mouse driver problem, you’ll still be able to work while you’re remedying the issue.)


All Caps                                 CTRL+SHIFT+A

Change Case                           SHIFT+F3

Change Window                     ALT+TAB

Close Window                        CTRL+W

Copy                                       CTRL+C

Create New Document           CTRL+N

Cut                                          CTRL+X

Date Field                               ALT+SHIFT+D

Doc Maximize                         CTRL+F10

Find                                         CTRL+F

Hanging Indent                       CTRL+T

Hyperlink                                CTRL+K

Next Misspelling                     ALT+F7

Open Saved Document           CTRL+O

Paste                                        CTRL+V

Save                                        CTRL+S or SHIFT+F12 or ALT+SHIFT+F2

Save As                                   F12

Select All                                CTRL+A

Spellcheck                               F7

Thesaurus                                SHIFT+F7

Time Field                               ALT+SHIFT+T

Keyboard shortcuts will spare your wrists from excessive mousing strain – and they will save you time, as well. Save your mouse for navigating the Web or working with specialized software. For general Office tasks like Word and Excel, you can almost always do what you’re doing faster if you know the right shortcuts!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Technology Tricks You Can Borrow from the Presidential Candidates

It's Election Day!


This has been the most technology-driven presidential campaign in history. Both candidates have extremely sophisticated campaign web sites with significant e-commerce and social networking components. The campaigns have used text messages for important announcements and taken advantage of YouTube and online media to distribute political ads. They're also using advanced data-mining to target specific demographics for messaging and get-out-the-vote efforts.


Politicians, in other words, have borrowed more than a few technology tricks out of the modern marketer's playbook. Web and mobile technologies have become vital means of promotion, communications, and networking.


You can use these same techniques to help your business. For example:


1.      Make sure your Web page is readable on a cellphone-based Web browser.

2.      Establish a Facebook page for your business and update it periodically with events and announcements.

3.      Create instructional videos to demonstrate expertise in your field and post them on YouTube. If your video is particularly interesting, entertaining, or helps people solve an important problem, your video could go viral!

4.      Hold online seminars to educate existing and potential customers.

5.      Take a look at your marketing list and segment it by area, industry, and size. Look for patterns and adjust your list accordingly.


Technology can be one of your best tools when it comes to persuasion. Don't just take it from us -- take it from Barack Obama and John McCain!



Monday, November 3, 2008

WARNING: Virus Alert

Caution: New Virus Claiming to Be Your Antivirus Program

XP Antivirus 2008, XP Antivirus 2009, and XPAntiVirus are rogue antivirus programs that, when run, display false results as a tactic to scare you into purchasing the software. Older versions of XP Antivirus would create 9 entries in your Windows Registry that impersonate infections on your machine.


In reality, though, these registry entries were harmless and had absolutely no effect on your computer. Instead, these entries were set so that XP AntiVirus can find them when scanning your computer and report them as infections. The newer of versions of the program , such as XP Antivirus 2008 and XP Antivirus 2009, instead just display false results when scanning your computer that state infections were found. In order to remove these fake infections, though, you would first need to purchase the software as the trial does not allow you to remove them.